Träna kollektivt med Atletiska Klubben!

**English translation Below**
Grunder i självförsvar! Vi går igenom grundläggande teori om avstånd och position, testar hur en bryter sig lös från olika grepp och gör några enkla låsningar.
(Kom i vanliga/oömma kläder))

Ta en paus från det intellektuella och svettas en stund! Alla är välkomna till en lugn löptur, vi bestämner turens längd på plats.
(Kom i sneakers eller träningsskor + oömma kläder))


Basics in self-defence
We will present some ground theory of position and distance. We will try to brake free from when somebody grabs and holds us and we will make some simple lock-techniques. ((Wear casual/flexible clothes))
Take a break from all the intellectual and join us for an outdoor run! It will be in a calm tempo, everyone is welcome and we decide together for how long and where we go. ((Come in sneakers or some suitable shoes + casual/training clothes))

Creating a Mutual Aid Skill Share

The Community Resiliency Cooperative is a mutual aid skill share group. We are based in a small city in the midwestern United States (Urbana, Illinois) and we focus on creating an environment where queer, trans, disabled, and otherwise marginalized folks can share skills and ideas to help us survive climate and political instability. How do you build a mutual aid group that is appropriate for your town and community? Zev Alexander, a member of the group, will come to Umeå to make a workshop together. We will be brainstorming ideas and create action plans to bring grassroots skill-sharing to the community, whatever it looks like!

Hunt Sabotage in the UK: History, structure and tactics

A talk and workshop, where we will introduce hunt sabotage as a popular
form of resistance in the UK due to the histories and relationships
between land ownership (or lack of it) and class.

We will outline the history of land ownership and enclosure in England,
and how they gave rise to hunting as we know it – as well as past and
present opposition to it. We will then introduce the modern hunt
sabotage movement – a history, links with other social justice movements
and the impacts of law and public opinion.

Then we will look at the current movement in closer detail, with the aim
of giving those who attend a more in-depth idea of how the hunt
saboteurs in the UK are organised and the tactics that are used, as well
as a brief summary of things that are going on at the moment.

In the final part of the workshop, we will facilitate a discussion,
hoping to open conversation around how the framework in the UK can be
learned from.

We hope you will leave this session with a more in-depth understanding
of the Hunt Saboteurs in the UK, and feeling inquisitive and inspired
about your own context.

Sophie Labelle – Making queer and trans webcomics

Sophie Labelle is an internationally renowned visual artist and author from the South shore of Montréal, Canada. She is the transgender cartoonist behind Assigned Male, a webcomic about a group of queer and trans teenagers that has been running since 2014 and already touched millions of readers.

We are very happy to announce that Sophie will come to Umeå for our Anarchist bookfair and talk about her art and comics.


Vad händer i Sápmi idag?

Välkommen till en diskussion och ett samtal om naturresurser, gruvor, språk, kultur, makt och rasism.
Hur förvaltar vi det arv som är Sápmi? Hur kan vi skapa bra allianser?
Hur gör vi när arbetstillfällen ställs mot varandra?

Samtalet hålls av Sandor Sebra Lindström (Jörn/Ullbergsträsk) och Rasmus Gabrielsson Eriksson (Luleå/Boden). Lördag eftermiddag, 1 timme och 30 minuter.

Experiences from Lesvos (boat spotting and organized help)

A talk about experiences volunteering on the island of Lesvos in Greece with an NGO who responds to the landing of boats and organize around-the-clock spotting shifts to spot the boats at sea. This will lead to a discussion around pragmatic interaction and working/cooperating with the state.

Help us // Hjälp till!


*english below

Vi söker volontärer till Umeås Anarkistiska Bokmässa. Vi kommer att laga mat (och hålla i ordning i köket) ställa i ordning inför och/eller städa efter bokmässan, möblera om alla salar och för bokborden, hjälpa till vid programpunkter (ljud, projektor, att programpunkter kan starta i tid) samt stå i baren på festen, osv. Det finns säkert även mer smågrejer som dyker upp, (typ hämta en person vid tågstationen eller något). Vi kommer att ha ett öppet möte varje morgon vid frukost för att se över vad som behöver fixas under  dagen. Du bestämmer själv hur mycket och vad du vill göra (finns inget krav på antal timmar eller så).

Hör av dig om du vill vara med och fixa höstens bästa helg. ???? !! uabokmassa(@)

Det kommer också att behövas tolkar under helgens programpunkter så att så många som möjligt kan delta. Vilka språk kan du översätta från och till?


We are looking for volounteers for the Anarchist Bookfair weekend in Umeå. We need people who wanna help out with cooking, organizing+cleaning the space before and after as well as helping out by the different scheduled things. There will be a meeting every morning for those who want to help, to make sure everything will be smooth during the days. Please e-mail us know if you want to join!

There will also be a need for translators to make sure that as many people as possible can take part in the programme. What languages can you translate to and from?

Anarchism and Animal Liberation

We will present an overview on the connections between anarchism and animal liberation, from a theoretical, historical and strategical point of view.

We will criticize some tendencies within anti-speciecist movements. We will clarify why we think it´s about animal liberation and not about animal rights and present some thoughts of the necessity of an anti-civilisation analysis for the
destruction of oppression and exploitation. How can animal liberation
struggles be implemented with an anarchist analysis? What can anarchists
take as an inspiration from animal liberation strategies? We will also
give an update about current radical animal liberation projects,
mobilizations and direct actions in Europe.

Strukturell rasism och intersektionell feminism

“Jag är inte rasist men…” vi lever i ett postkolonialt samhälle som upprätthåller rasistiska strukturer som många absorberar och gynnas av. Både den anti-rasistiska och feministiska kampen är exkluderande och den linjära kampen emot rasism och för feminism måste bli mer intersektionell i praktiken.

Föredraget hålls av aktivister från Refugees Welcome Lidköping, Lördag den 30e November. Exakt tid presenteras i programmet inom kort.